
Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’



You were rolling down the snow-clad mountain,

Slipping purposely down its slope of white sheath;

Then you melted into the river flowing on your own

And quenched the thirst of its blue waters.


Amidst the garden of ephemeral love

You peeped in trough a crevice unseen,

Just as the daily drop of sunshine does;

I could hear the silence of your tiptoes.


You were floating through thin air;

You were the envy of the high-flying hawk.

I took you for a new breed of flying freedom when

You spotted the sky, sailing with the young wild doves.


The daffodils defined a new shade of yellow

When they bowed their heads to the caressing breeze.

You ran into the wavy field and was humming a melody

That the daffodils loved more than the wind.


They called it the fancy of a wishful mind

When you dreamt of changing the world around you.

You listened to your heart and treaded along;

You took the new and the old with you.


I was still in thought of you

And had my door open for the rest of my day.

I closed it in despair when evening called,

And I found my room was already full of you

…And I saw you!

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